Summary of KM Australia 2014 (Crossing Borders)

27 07 2014

A summary of the recent KM Australia Congress

Tracey M Benson || Bytetime

A PDF version of this summary is also available.

I was invited to speak on a panel at the Knowledge Management (KM) Australia Congress in Sydney 22-23 July. The panel was focused on KM across organisational functions and chaired by Brigid Costello from Comcare. The other panel members included Alice Balnaves-Knyvett (Alrosa Services) and Luke Grange from Yammer (Microsoft). We were invited because of our experience across a range of sector areas and how this experience has contributed to how we share knowledge and build capacity in our workplaces. We were also invited as we are not ‘knowledge managers’ explicitly by trade. Brigid was particularly interested in my work as a media artist and researcher and how this “crossed borders” and informed my work in the public sector.

The conference covered a broad range of topics through the frame of “crossing borders”. There was a diverse representation from private…

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