Introducing Geokult

31 05 2011

Geokult is a collaboration between cartographer Marty Drury and researcher/artist Tracey Meziane Benson, which seeks to explore a range of topics that relate to geographical, technical, historical and social forms of mapping.

Over the coming months, they will be building a database of resources – open source mapping tools, links to geo-location, GISĀ  and GPS based creative projects and tools.

Later this year they will be traveling to Turkey to undertake a residency at the Babayan Culture House in Cappadocia, where they will explore ways of mapping the landscape as well as the multi-layered culture and history of Turkey from the perspective of cultural strangers, seeking to learn and understand.

We are also interested in building networks with other individuals and groups who have similar interests in mapping. If you have any suggestions for topics for Geokult or have project you would like promoted, please let us know by subscribing to the Geokult blog or posting comments.